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which button to smash to escape grabs ? 


Left / right arrows if you are using keyboard :D.  Left / right D-pad / analog stick if you are using controller

Deleted 184 days ago

Same for me. It shows that "This game is currently unavailable"


waiting for this game to come on steam. its the only way i can buy my games here.

Will this game have Chinese langurage?I really like this but its hard to understand.


We're actually working on it now :D!

hi,Does the gameplay work in the final version or is this game just porn?!

Hey :D.  There's gameplay.

Hey! Did we know where we will have a Steam version?
Or atleast if we are close to the completions?
Also will be good if we have achievements in Steam ver. since a lot of us are achievements hunters. (I already read that u are planning to add voices for next/last versions and i think that will be dope, game its already god tier but will be even better)

We still have a ways to go before a Steam version ^-^.  There will definitely be achievements though :D.  Am glad you're enjoying it so far!

Hi! I've purchased this game not too long ago and am having trouble playing it. When I load into the game, it starts to scroll upward indefinitely on the main menu. Do you have an idea on how this fix this? Thank you! 

There are a couple possibilities :D.  One is that there are multiple controllers / input devices plugged in.  The other and potentially more likely one is that Steam is running in the background and its controller profile is improperly latching onto Pure Onyx.  The solution would be to exit out of Steam.

That seems to have worked perfectly, thank you!


Hi! I have a question.  Is there a Cinematic mod option for a minimum prise? So else, how I can get it?

Hey!  Cinematic mode hasn't been added yet -- we have some previews of it though on twitter / Redgifs.

Is there any way to avoid the H-scenes with the bugs and aliens? I'm just not personally into that stuff.


Yup!  You can disable the Biomonsters category in the 18+ Content settings in Options :D.

Awesome thank you! 

Deleted 222 days ago

Hi  , recently seen your game in youtube it was good and i want to purchase your game but problem is i live in a country that there's no pay pal or master card here . we don't have access to those bank and i was wondering can i purchase your game with crypto currency? Like USDT or TRX ?

Not currently, but we're looking at additional platforms that might work for you.  We're also planning to add the game to Steam once it's closer to completion.


was just curious what system you use for the progress to carry over, I know the save file is in the appdata but I'm developing a game as well and am wondering how you got each iteration of the game to search for the save file and adapt it accordingly

We're using custom-built system utilizing game version and profile-like structure ^-^.

Considering the amount of changes to things affecting the playthrough at this stage of the development, it's unfeasible or in some cases even impossible to make playthrough saves compatible between game versions, so for the time being each version of the game uses dedicated profile for playthrough saves.

Persistent data (gallery) is shared between multiple versions of the game, but if we'd made changes breaking it, we'd need to use different persistent save file name.

This way, no matter which version of the game you're playing, you never lose any progress you made in previous versions you had played.

brilliant! thank you

i tried looking it up but could not find anything, any info on game mechanics, leveling, equipment, how progression will work, costumes etc ?

A lot is buried in our progress updates on SubscribeStar or in twitter posts D:, but we have documents available on our Discord. 

The story mode will consist of 6 or 7  stages/zones with multiple routes/bosses, as well as event and side missions accessible via the world map. 

There are experience levels, loot/shops for equipment, and will be a skill progression system that allows for customization of the player's available moveset/combos/active skills.  

Equipment changes the visuals on the player character, but we're looking at a "phase shifter" slot that would effectively be a costume slot that overrides equipment visuals.  Also a "wave shifter" slot that would allow the player to equip a color palette (similar to retro beat 'em ups).  Wave and Phase Shifters would be loot/rewards like other equipment.

Ahhh got it thats good to know, i tried joining the discord but its locked behind higher tier sub, if i sub for a month do i get permanent access or just during the month ?

Sorry for the delay!  Access is only active while the subscription is.  We post everything that makes its way to SubStar/twitter early ^-^

(1 edit)

Why latest versions of PO called "test release"?Is there something what will be present temporary and will be removed in next versions?

Just to help disambiguate that these releases aren't the retail release :D. 

does mean the same and for "alpha" releases on itch,yes?)


I would really love if you add messy eye make up to the H content

It's in the Onyx and Runt+Thug BJ scene :D.  Will definitely add it in more places.

Will there the characters feet be involved? where can I support to make this happen? 

You can remove Onyx's shoes ^-^.  And yeah that'd be good content to add.

when will you release on steam? any date?

No date yet -- but see the comments below for some milestones we intend to reach before Steam.

Are there any plans to add breast milk or milking elements?


Hey!  Potentially yes ^-^!

I was a supporter and got printed items for Malise And The Machine on Patreon, but couldn't stay subbed all the time.  I would consider supporting but after having the promise of that game to see it abandoned makes me wonder if this will get dumped when you have some new idea.


Progress on MATM has for all intents and purposes not stopped :D.  The games share the same world/setting, as well as many enemies and characters. Malise and Neon will even make an appearance in PO (see the concept art below).

Before we shifted focus to PO, we were still stuck in Daz and making pre-rendered still images using kit-bashed and edited store-bought / licensed assets to create character designs from.  We were severely limited, to the extent we couldn't even add animations to the game due to tech.  PO has, among other things, given us an opportunity to customize character designs from the ground up without being so bound to our tools, as well as to iterate on our once-fledgling real-time 3D pipeline while simultaneously providing fully animated H content.     

The shift to PO was not simply because we had a new idea -- it was a necessary change for the survival and growth of the project.  And once MATM is completed, it will be a far more consistent and developed experience than anything we could have accomplished with the first attempt.

I really hope so.  I'll keep an eye on how things continue and I really hope to see MATM come back around in development to see how you and your team change it around.


Hey where i can buy this game? :(, i can't buy it, it's so hard using paypal to buy this game :( i'm from indonesia 


We'll potentially be adding Gumroad and Fansly as additional platforms in the near future, so maybe one of those will be more accessible to you?  We do intend to cover a wider range of retail platforms once the game is complete.

I saw you mentioned there are some things you’re working on. Enjoying the game by the way. I made some suggestions  for improvements. Not sure if other people think they would want this but just mentioning it.  

Have a dash attack. Like a running attack to close the distance. A running slide or high knee attack. 

Have an area attack like a jump up split attack or a spinning area  attack to clear groups that surround Onyx. I’ll do some drawings of the attacks to better represent what I mean. 

A transmog system for people that want for their character to fight in the nude but retain all the same armor stats as if they are wearing clothes. It could also be a skin to unlock, bare back fighter. 

Have a poll. A vote for the people that would like the bare skin design variations. As in Onyx fighting in just gloves and sneakers.

Being able to map an item use button. Like being able to use to dual sense controller’s touch pad feature to swipe through the items and press down on the touch pad to use that item.

Looking forward to the progress you make in the future with the game. 


Hey ^-^.  All of these things are actually planned. 

Consumables will likely be used entirely via a quick menu system with a limited # of loadout slots that the player can fill from the player character's inventory while outside a mission.  These slots would also be used to handle consumable skills whose charges refresh after a mission -- like the AoE clearing one(s) you mention :D.   

We're looking at ideas for a costume system called  a "phase shifter" slot, which would override the equipment visuals.  We're also looking at a color palette slot called a "wave shifter" slot.  The player would be able to find color palettes as loot and equip them, overriding equipment / cosmetic colors.  This would be sort of a modernization on the old retro color palette systems for beat em ups. 


Here are a couple concept sheets for additional Onyx move ideas we have.  We've posted more on our Discord :D, which you can access via our SubscribeStar.  Ideas like the ones you mentioned are in here though.

Is there any chance that in the future your characters will be voiced?

Yep!  We are waiting till we are further along so we can record more at once.

Stunning game! The graphics are absolutely amazing. Are you planning on adding moaning or some kind of voicing to the grabs? I feel like it would make the whole thing so damn hot! ^-^

And by so damn hot I mean, even hotter. This game is already fire hot tbh

Thanks :D.  Yep, we'll be adding voices once we're further along ^-^

Can’t waaaait <3


I don't get it.. Each time you upload a new version I need to buy it again?


It's the same as subbing to our crowdfunding campaign for a month :D.  We make our updates available on itch for those who either don't want to use subscription sites or can't due to location/payment options.

Do you already have a day to post on Steam?


Hey :D not yet, Steam is still a ways out.

But why it's not on Steam yet? I mean, you could just release it in alpha stage there so way more people could buy it, and I'm sure it will be popular cuz the game is absolutely dope. 
Can you please explain why it's not there?

It's not how Steam works :(.  They require significant review processes and would require that the game either be treated as early access or a finished title.  It's not ready for early access yet.

So, the assasin will not look like this?You changed your mind?)


This was an early concept :D -- notice that a lot of the outfit design elements have been carried over to the new one and iterated upon.


If there isnt any Kissing H-Scenes/H-Poses, will you add it up?


There's one currently -- Onyx + FemCop and Male Cop ^-^

Thanks for answering questions on December release, but I wonder, how long do you think developing this game will take you?


A major goal for the first public demo is to get missions and some narrative in -- effectively make it more representative of the actual gameplay as opposed to simply the sandbox free roam thing we have going on in the test releases now.  A major goal of the second public demo will be cinematic mode (3D H scenes).  I wouldn't expect the game to go into early access before these things are present, along with some other goals like combat improvements and move set expansion, skill system and quick menu integration, etc. 

Will you release a retail on ITCH same as the finished product version you are going to release on Steam,a retail version including later free update?

Steam got serious game selling policy game contain sex are forbidden in some region but i do want to buy it,to me the best way is ITCH

We certainly intend to offer it on more platforms than just Steam.  I expect itch to be among them :D.  Reminder that all retail release plans are speculative and stuff can go wonky easily in this industry o.o 

Ok thank you for replying.Please take some consideration on people who are in the region where game contain Sex is blocked on Steam when you guys release the Retail Early Access version.We really have trouble buying this kind of game.If you can't release it on platforms like ITCH plz consider releasing Steam keys that can be activated global.Thank you.


I'm interested in the question, why is the game so crude if it came out 2 years ago?
Guessing they won't answer me¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My friend, this game started development much longer than that and I think we all know the answer to your question

It’s very sad to realize that a good project is being turned into another scam system


Will the Gallery have a Clothing Menu to chose wich Clothes Onyx or other will wear in the H-Scences or sominthing like the Fem-Cop with her Bodysuit, also an Idea of mine would be to ad a double Fem-Cop H-Scence.
But after all in the current Stat it´s a great Game with nice Scences, keep up the great Work :)


Yep!  We need to do a UI overhaul soon on the gallery -- it's one of the main things holding stuff like clothing menu back.  Since the options are relatively limited still we could do it another way temporarily, but we'll need to upgrade the UI anyways still.

Does Bunny girls already have in-game h-scene with Onyx or still just in gallery mode?)


Just in gallery at the moment :D


ich habe das spiel bereits gekauft, muss ich es jetzt noch mal kaufen für das Januar updat? Ich habe die Oktober version. 

Hey!  Apologies for the confusion.  These are the monthly development releases of the game.  It's similar to subscribing to a single month of our subscription crowdfunding campaign.  The ongoing development of the game is funded entirely through this support, so it's much appreciated ^-^.  Once the game is in early access you'll be able to purchase the retail version for a single price.

Hi, congratulations on the game! Will there also be a Steam version? Thank you


We do intend to release on Steam ^-^!


Deleted 236 days ago

give me a day POST for me wishlist pls


I saw the sculpt of Dominatrix on X)Will she have a special stage like Semi or a boss version?)


Potentially!  She's meant to appear in a night club section of the Red-Light stage.  We aren't sure if she'll have a boss version yet.


Then who will be the boss of red light/nightclub?


Semi is one of the bosses, haven't finalized the list yet ^-^

Hola no puedo descargar el juego ya que pague los 8 dólares te mando capturas


Hey!  You should be able to bypass the download warning by clicking 

"I understand the risks, let me download anyway..."

I apologize for the inconvenience.  We've been trying to contact itch support regarding it but haven't heard back yet.

does the wraxe lift h scene occur during gameplay? Only had the standing one occur and I’ve only seen the lift h scene in the gallery.


Currently it should randomly choose one or the other in gameplay ^-^

Do i need to buy the update to play it? :c  i bought the december version so i would like to download it ^^


Yep. I'd wait for early access if you want continuous updates.


What Em Rand says is correct -- this is similar to subscribing to a single month of our SubscribeStar campaign (backers on that site don't receive future updates either).  Once the game is ready for early access or retail it will be available for a single price.

When did you purchase the December update? If you accidentally purchased it after this version released (Feb 2nd) email me at

Does this include a certain rhino boss as well


Not yet :D. We actually never had a scene for him pre-Patreon censorship.  


so any easy way to unlock items for the gallery seems like its alot of RNG to get them all.


You can purchase them from Mr. Black in the Slums :3.  It's a placeholder system at the moment :D.  It was originally designed to make sure the loot system got testing, but has outlived its welcome heh.


ah got ya thanks.


Hey guys!  It would seem the external links to the images containing our Changelog, Known Issues, and Controls were flagged as suspicious for some reason (possibly due to them being hosted on Discord).  This may be a reason some of you are experiencing download issues currently.  I've emailed itch support and will update you once I learn more!

(1 edit)
A warning message appears when downloading. Is there something wrong?

Hey!  Can you elaborate on the issue? Where does this warning appear? 


Was this ever resolved for you?  Am still hoping for a response from itch support to learn more about this issue.

hello, the download is still blocked currently :(

Thanks for the update!  I'm trying to determine if this is happening to all users or only some.  Still waiting on some communication from itch support.


it is possible to download by clicking on the link "I understand the risks, let me download anyway..." The download will do, it was good for me. :)

Oh that's good at least.  Thanks for the heads up!

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